Dimension What?
Where, where,
(where), oh where are
we? Oh tell me what is this
dimension that I see?
So flat, oh so flat,
(flat), so out of key;
Oh please tell me,
what is reality?
This gift, oh this gift,
(gift), this gift of
life, turned instead to
war and strife.
The rich, oh the rich,
(rich), those powers that be;
Oh, what are they
Doing to you and me?
afraid of work;
Minds scared and
hands afraid of dirt.
Eyes closed tight
(tight), so blind to
see; Hearts scared and
minds trapped, blinkered ignorantly.
Cold, unfeeling, with
(with), fear to feel,
or even face up to
what it is that we’ve made real.
People on the streets
(streets), waving arms in the air;
Too many lives torn apart
by others who do not care.
And where, where,
(where), oh where are we?
Oh please tell me
What is this dimension that I see?
And when, when,
(when), oh when are we going to
change, this blurred reality
we have made so deranged?
For where,
(where), oh where am
I? So very sick and
tired of all these lies.
And where, where
(where), oh where are
you, amidst the very little
things that you